What is an Earthkeeper and how do I know I am one?
In general, an Earthkeeper is a steward of all life on earth.
It’s a volunteering soul who’s soul’s agenda it is to protect all life on earth and assists in the transformation towards the New Human and the New Earth.
Earthkeeper souls are here to:
- Awaken to their spiritual nature and see through the illusions of physicality, individuation
and separation and model the behavior from this higher perception - To develop their shamanlike methaphysical powers* and use those powers collectively to
positively influence the future and help humans develop to the next level of evolution. - By influencing the future I mean:
- End the suffering of other living beings
- Heal collective human trauma so it stops repeating itself
- Help others awaken to their spiritual nature
- Commune with and channel wisdom, love and healing from higher powers, higher
evolved beings from more subtle dimensions
- Teach working with energy to heal, to balance, to vitalize and harmonize the energy
systems on earth
- Remember and bring back ancient wisdom on earth that help us harmonize and evolve
- Teach how to have a personal and intimate relationship with nature so we start to treat
it with respect

An Earthkeeper can have many roles and can work on the physical level, the mental/emotional level, or the spiritual/energetic level.
There are Earthkeepers who feel a strong motivation to be a specific kind of Earthkeeper, so there are:
- People healers
- Teachers and group leaders
- Children educators
- Channelers and visionaries
- Element Earthkeepers, like water protectors/healers
- Animal Earthkeepers
- Nature/plantlife Earthkeepers
- Earth energy system keepers
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