OneMillionEarthkeepers is about
globally organized energy work.
Directly working at the morphic fields
of collective consciousness of humanity and the earth.
It provides a way for:
- healing the collective human traumas that repeat themselves
- spiritual awakening, seeing through the illusions of separation
- collective manifesting/creation, and evolution into the direction of peace, cooperation, living in
oneness and harmony.

To achieve that it creates an energetic structure on earth that can be used to positively influence all living beings within this structure.
It resembles the Ritual Power Matrix, called the Cusco Ceque System, that was used by the Inca to organize healing, awakening and spiritual evolution of the empire.
It provides education and training in developing metaphysical, shaman-like skills, needed to be an energetic steward of your local piece of Earth you become responsible for.
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Why this organization?
To answer this question I first must paint the big picture of what life is designed for.
Consciousness, super intelligence, Great Spirit or God (whatever you like to call it) desired to make itself manifest and know itself through experience. Therefore, it created an energetic world, this energetic world created dense structures of energy that look to our eyes as matter. This creates a virtual reality in which It can proceed to define and express itself as life. Since we are also life, It expresses itself also as us.
This is a process that we call life and the direction of the process is evolution, expansion leading to expression and experience of the full potential of itself.
That which is created always evolves back to its source. Super intelligent consciousness gives us mind software so we can forget we are it and now we are in the process of recreating it, slowly discovering and remembering what we already are.
Life, this recreation process, moves in cycles, and right now, in our evolutionary process to become what we are, a cycle has ended and a new cycle is starting. Every cycle serves us opportunities in a field of free will. It presents us possibilities, it ripens the fruit in the tree and we are invited to pick it and eat from it.
In this process of recreating “IT”, the Inca recognize 7 major cycles that lead to quantum leaps in evolution of the human existence.
In short:
Zero: there is existence, is-ness, beingness in energetic form, forming a field.
First: an identity is formed within this field
Second, this beingness that has an identity with a separation consciousness becomes self regulating
Third, the individuals start to form groups and take responsibility for the group but are still in separation psychology which results in competition and warfare, a duality field. The developmental challenge is to master conflict and mature into an adult species.
Fourth, the group becomes aware of the underlying reality beyond the separation Psychology and starts to express the underlying unity by cooperating and collective creation
Fifth, the knowledge or remembrance of the underlying reality of beingness becomes the collective identity which results in such a high structured vibrational pattern that with one touch all other patterns resonate and re-form themselves to the same pattern. In other words become a total healer that can heal any disease with one touch.
Six, the identity shifts in such a way to the spiritual that there is a state of enlightenment. This level human being recognizes the luminous truth of beingness that it sees in all creation. He/she literaly radiates light visible for all to see. He/she is recognized as a master with supernatural powers and has a great influence on a global scale over other beings.
Seven, the manifesting of the full divine potential in physical form on earth. There are no limitations to what this being can do, there is total knowingness, total lovingness, total power of creation, of expression and instant manifestation. There is control over life and death and this being can die and resurrect itself in the same body.
Currently the cycle of the third possibility ended and the cycle of the fourth possibility started.
In order to evolve to the fourth evolutionary state, first the old structures created by the third level
mindset, identification and behavior need to end. This ending is a self-healing mechanism and moves
first into disorder or crisis to create a higher order from there.
What indigenous prophecies are telling about this time of disorder:
- A time of “Pachacuti”, with a cosmic transformation the world will be turned upside down to set it right, where it is cold it will be hot, where it is dry it will be wet, there will be no safe place, there will be a division between people who are defending the old ways vs the ones who are embracing the new paradigms.
They speak about a culling of souls, with the possibility of near extinction.
They mention a tear or a crack in the fabric of time, portals that open so that other energies reach us, meaning a cosmic reorganization. The veils become thinner that separate the so called material world and the spiritual world. - This time of the “Pachacuti” will be followed by the “Taripaypacha”, the time when we meet our Selfs again, remembering and discovering on a higher level. From there we are growing back to the knowledge that we form a unity with everything, growing back to the awareness of abundance in the fields around us, going back to the realization that we are divine beings of light, going back to the awareness that we can consciously participate in our own evolution.
- we become able to incarnate from higher dimensions then before, we will come on earth from a 5 th dimension instead of the 4 th dimension, our DNA will get other instructions resulting in changes as humans, we will live, heal and die differently.
- They speak about the emergence of a new human on earth, we become more spiritual, we raise our vibration and become conscious that we are beings of light, energy. They call it homo luminous.
- We currently experience three levels of consciousness and the barriers between them will start to disappear. They speak about gaining one consciousness, unity consciousness.,
- The collective consciousness, so all of us together, determines what is going to happen, if we take the quantum leap, if we take the opportunity.
So, we are here to make a “personal” transition from the third cycle or state to the fourth cycle or state and in this way contribute to a collective move into the fourth cycle beingness. In this “zeitgeist” we are awakening to higher identities and from there we are defining our beingness.
OneMillionEarthkeepers creates a network of people who feel the call to participate in this process. And provides education and group activities for personal and spiritual growth to positively influence collective human consciousness, earth’s energy systems and all of nature.
It creates energetic structures on earth that can be positively influenced by using our collective metaphysical powers. In this way it brings back the power to the people, and since we are living in a dimension that is created by group consciousness, we, the people, can chose as a species in which direction we want to evolve.