Earthkeepers Training: What will you learn
The Seven Steps of the Earthkeepers Base Training
Step 1 Stepping into the world of the shaman; preparation of your senses and learning to speak the language of the Magician, the language of energy.
Step 2 Awakening of your shamanic skills: opening and boosting of your seven shamanic powers needed for your activities within the Earthkeepers Web.
Step 3 Creating a power matrix web; weaving the cosmology on the land, stepping into the footsteps of ancient Inca shamans and learning all the secrets of bringing heaven on earth with collective manifesting.
Step 4 Reading the historical information in the luminous web. Tracking the imprints of personal and collective trauma using your shamanic journeying and tracking skills.
Step 5 Healing and clearing the luminous web. Using shamanic healing techniques, secret rituals and ceremonies in partnership with celestial energies to clear the subconscious patterns that are subconsciously influencing us.
Step 6 Empowering, infusing and illuminating the Earthkeepers web. Re-imprinting the luminous power web with the next evolutionary levels of human existence. balance, vitalize and renew the energetic quality of your part of the earth.
Step 7 Becoming a steward of the earth. Start an Earthkeeper tribe and come together to heal, balance, vitalize and renew the energetic quality of your part of the earth.
Taking part in global energy work, imprinting the collective consciousness fields with positive, high vibrational energy like love, peace, unity.

What will you learn at such a training?
- The fundamental principles and the shamans view of the interaction between human consciousness and the subtle energy systems of humans and planet earth.
- The fundamental rituals, energy exercises, use of shamanic tools that opens the door for you to the world of the subtle energy realms. Communing and communicating with nature, experiencing nature as your teacher.
- How to create a luminous network of powerlines and power spots on the earth with the use of celestial energies from specific constellations, weaving a web of power.
- About decoding the historical information that is stored within energy fields and earth’s grid systems that lead to repetition of human drama of everyone living within that field.
- About energetic removal of collective trauma imprints that keep humanity repeating the same dramas over and over again and keep us from evolving to higher levels of consciousness.
- About replacing the old collective human programs, like warfare, female gender suppression, racism, abuse of power, exploiting the poor, destruction of nature etc. , with restoring forgotten wisdom from ancient civilizations and by infusing the system with the blueprints of the 7 evolutionary steps of human destiny.
- About stepping into collective Earthkeepership. It teaches about the vision and assignment of the founder about creating a global network of Earthkeepers and organizing them in a big luminous power matrix, bringing back the power to the people by using their metaphysical powers collectively to positively influence the collective morphic field that creates physical reality.
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Why would you want to become an Earthkeeper?
- Because it is who you are deep inside. You always felt a deep motivation to end suffering, awaken and heal others and create a better future for all living beings on earth.
- Because it is the highest expression of who you know yourself to be. It is the demonstration of your awakening or spiritual identity.
- Because you feel the call to make a contribution to a better world and you are looking for a tribe of likeminded people because you know you cannot do it alone.
- You want to make a contribution to a better world but you are looking for effective ways and tools to do so.
- Because you are already on this path but you want to develop your shaman-like abilities and skills.
- Because you are new to this path and you are looking for guidance in your personal and spiritual development.
- Because you are already experienced on this path and you have a desire to lead and teach others.
What you will gain from this experience: (even if you are an experienced shamanic practitioner)
What do you personally gain from participating in the OneMillionEarthkeepers organization?
When you step into the role of the Earthkeeper in this organization, your first step into Earthkeeper
Training. This training will:
- Boost your psychic skills and ability to see into everything unseen, like into the subconscious,
the shadow, the spirit world, energy systems of people, animals, plants, organizations etc. - Open your energy systems ,
- Deeply heal your traumas from this life, past lives and ancestral patterns
- Expand your capacity to love, yourself and others
- Boost your healing skills and powers
- Connect you to a shamanic lineage of Earthkeepers that will guide, empower and support you
- Shifting and broadening your general perception of reality.
- Empower you by forces formerly unknown to you,
- Reconnect you deeply with this planet, with nature and the cosmos,
- Support your awakening and see through the illusions of life,
- Reveal your soul’s destiny
- Greatly support synchronicity and manifesting of your goals and desires
What are the metaphysical or shaman like powers you are talking about?
What I am referring to are the Seven Shamanic Powers of Mastery
- The power to see
Tracking and decoding the information that is stored in energy. - The power over energy
To remove, extract, clear, transform and also “download” energy to shift the reality in the invisible dimension, that will result in a shift in reality in the visible material dimension too. - The power to heal
To clear and transmute the traumatic history within energy systems with metaphysical assistance. - The power to manifest
Deliberately using our mental/emotional, physical and metaphysical powers to create energy patterns that lead to positive outcomes at the physical level. - The power of destiny
Going through deep healing of personal, ancestral and past life patterns, so the past will stop repeating itself in your life and you’ll become totally available for your souls agenda. - The power of awakening
Using all kinds of methods that facilitate mystical experiences that lead to dramatical shifts in perception of yourself and of reality. - The power of love
Experiencing four evolutionary levels of love and use the enhanced love power as a tool for healing, awakening and manifesting.
Where is this training located?
Online introduction workshop (two days of 3 hours).
The first two weeks of the Earthkeeper Base Training is taking place in The Netherlands and the third week currently takes place at a remote island in Sweden.
But if local people in other countries want to function as hosts and take care of the organization (of the location, the food, the sleeping and promotion), me or another experienced trainer are very willing to come and teach.
Who is teaching it and what is his background, education and experience?
Roel Fredrix is teaching it, he is the founder of OneMillionEarthkeepers,
Who is Roel?
Roel is initiated into the Inca shamanic tradition, he is a master practitioner in energy medicine, a modern day shaman with over 34 years of experience in his private practice as a professional therapist, practicing a multitude of therapies, on the physical, emotional, mental and energetic level.