Hi, I'm Roel Fredrix
Founder of One Million Earth Keepers
and this is my story
From a very young age I was fascinated by life. The big questions were always on my mind. What am I? Where do I come from? What is this human experience on earth? What should I do here? So I spend my whole life answering these questions. What is the mind? What is consciousness? How does
that work?
In my early teens I started to read everything on the esoteric section in the library I could get my hands on. I started a dream diary when I was thirteen and from seventeen, with my first money, from filling freezers in a supermarket, I went to a hypnotherapist to explore my subconscious and to learn to reprogram my subconscious mind. And this quest never stopped. It led me to study physical therapy and open my own practice, but soon I found out that all clients with a big list of physical complaints also had a big list of traumatic events in their lives. I recognized that treating the body was treating the symptoms and I got way more interested in the causes that were behind their symptoms. This brought me to study all kind of psychosomatic therapies like Applied Kinesiology, Journey Therapy, Naturopathy and Counseling, which provided a way to get into people’s subconscious and heal from there.
Next to healing I started counseling and learning other ways to influence the subconscious like Sedona Method, Voice Dialogue, Big Mind Big Heart, Shadow work and systemic/family constellations. The experience of working fulltime with clients and my own explorations with these methods, transcendental meditation and studying a Course in Miracles brought me more and more answers to my questions.
I went from learning to master the body to mastering emotions and the mind. Mastering energy was the next step on my journey.
Some clients frustrated me, I could not use muscle testing because of inflamed joints, they could not feel emotions out of very strong protections or could not visualize. This led me to learn Soul Retrieval, a shamanic healing method in which the shaman travels into the client’s subconscious using his own seeing and intuitive skills. Finally I found a way to bypass the limitations within my clients.
I studied South American shamanism from Inca and pre-Inca times and it felt like coming home. Going through intense shamanic training healed, opened and balanced me. My intuitive and psychic abilities boosted and I started to see the information stored within the body and within one’s energy field.
While holding my hand over a client’s body suddenly images, scenes of traumatic events appeared in my mind’s eye. Telling what I saw resulted in crying clients that confirmed what I had seen. Shamanic processes gave me a lot of revelating, mystical and transpersonal experiences, like going out of body, losing complete sense of individuality and becoming one with everything.
I used shamanic processes to awaken and heal clients and apprentices with great success. I started to teach courses and workshops on personal development, psychology, spiritual awakening and shamanic energy medicine. Out of the blue I got an invitation to come and teach for an educational
institute for psychotherapy and alternative studies in Athens, Greece. I stayed teaching shamanic training in Greece for nearly 10 years.
Since 2021 I stopped teaching in Greece and started teaching in Holland again and it was time for a new chapter in my life, bringing everything I have learned on my journey together for the greater good. Being of service to humanity on a larger scale. The download and mission I had around 20 years ago came back to me and I started writing a book about it, construct the training and set up the organization around it.
In 2022 I gave the first Earthkeeper Training in Sweden on an island in the form of a Shamanic Nature Expedition which was truly magical.

Who is Roel ?
His shamanic education consists of:
- Master Practitioner in Energy Medicine at the Four Winds Society, initiated into the shamanic lineage by Dr. Alberto Villoldo
- 4 masterclasses of Advanced Shamanic Training at the Four Winds Society
- 4 levels of shamanic Inca Energy work by Juan Nunez Del Prado
- Initiated into the fourth level by Juan Nunez Del Prado
- Initiated into the Hatun Karpay by Juan Nunez Del Prado
- Initiated into the Munay Ki by Qero Shaman Don Francisco Chura Flores
- Three levels of Advanced Shamanic Healing by Carla Fox
- Initiated into the Nusta Karpay and Nusta Karpay blossoming by Qero Shamans Don Mariano, Don Claudio
- Soul Retrieval, Shamanic Healing and Despacho Rituals by Qero Shaman Don Sebastian and Dona Paulina
- Initiated into the crystal mesa tradition by Qero and Chinchero shamans Don Hernan, Don Claudio and Dona Augustina
His non-shamanic education in Energy Medicine:
- Applied Kinesiology
- Naturopathy and counseling
- Quantum touch 1, 2, animals
- Touch of Matrix, all levels
- Matrix Energetics, the Best of Matrix Energetics, Beyond Matrix Energetics
- Initiated into Shaking Medicine by Balinese Energy Master Ratu Bagus
- Journey Therapy by Brandon Bays
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