What is this ancient forgotten Energetic Power Matrix or Inca Ceque System about and why does it need to come back on earth?
It was an energy construct in the form of a sun with its sun rays radiating from the center extended all over the country and radiating out into the cosmos. On the energy lines are power spots called huacas.
The center was the Coricancha, the temple of gold or the temple of the sun, in Cusco (which means navel ) here the Inca and Coya and all royalty were located.
There were 42 of those energy lines radiating from the center, divided into 4 regions.
The Inca empire was called Tawantinsuyu which means four regions together.
The lines weren’t straight but zigzagged over the country connecting 328 power spots.
Each power spot had a community attached to it, directed by shamans, often a man and a woman together. The shamans instructed the community when, how and where to perform specific spiritual rituals, manifesting rituals, thanking rituals and collective energy work at the power spot.

What was this system used for?
This Sacred Ritual Energy System had many functions:
- An energetic function:
The Inca and people in the center were reading the energies of the lines. Wherever they felt
unbalances, they send balancing energies through these lines to vitalize and harmonize the system.
Or they send messenger runners to the power spots to instruct the shamans to work energetically
At certain times a year the system was used to clear all the heavy energies of the whole area by
collectively sending all the heavy energies towards to center, where ceremonies were performed to transform this energies. - AÂ spiritual function;
The enlightened rulers and people at the center would send their high vibrational energies into
the lines to raise the vibration of the whole system. The shamans would pick up the energies and
distribute them to the community by passing on these initiations, transfers of higher vibrational
energies into the peoples energy systems. This would speed up their personal and spiritual
development. The vibration of the whole system gained from that.
Imagine the energetic effect if 328 communities together perform awakening and healing energy
work at a national level. - A healing function:
Human consciousness and earth’s energy lines have a mutual influencing effect. What happens
within the collective consciousness of a group of people at a certain location will be imprinted and
stored within the energy lines. Living on these lines influences the people’s energy system by
passive entrainment. Therefor the past traumas happened in a region often repeat themselves.
So they performed energetic healing work at the system to clear it from the past, especially the
collective imprints of trauma. - An evolutionary function:
They were very spiritual people and the shamans had strong connections with other realities, and
further evolved beings, therefor they were able to channel their higher wisdom and abilities and
flood the energy system with it, like bringing in energy downloads from the next level of
development. - A teaching function:
All the people in the whole area were constantly educated by the shamans within the power spot
communities about spiritual principles and energy practices, rituals and ceremonies. By practicing
together they were very skilled in using their metaphysical powers for the collective good of the
nation. In this way they preserved this knowledge and energy skills for future generation.
That is, until the Spanish conquistadores came and destroyed the center, build a cathedral on top of
it, destroyed all the power spots and killed the shamans. - A social function:
By being arranged into collaborative communities, coming together often, working together,
sharing wisdom and skills together, there was a great social cohesion, mutual support, and
functioning as one being, like a hive-mentality. Although there were many different tribes within
the empire, they managed to unite them and give them a higher perspective being part of a larger
system. - An organizational function:
The whole area was now organized into regions, lines, and communities. It gave structure at
many levels. Also at the physical level, because the communities not only had spiritual and energetic
tasks within the system, but also labor tasks like creating and maintaining irrigation systems, food
storage systems, road building etc.
It was even used to organize at the political level, by dividing the task according to the three levels
of kinship closer or further from the royal families. - AÂ cultural function;
This system was very effective in strengthen the cultural cosmology, life principles and values, like
don’t steal, don’t lie and don’t be lazy. Accounts from the Spanish conquerors showed that these
people had very high morals and integrity, were very honest and never locked their houses or
buildings. They also had a great reputation in working together in great harmony with nature,
because mother nature or pachamama was seen as a divine living beingness where all life comes
from and which is providing for all of life at the planet.
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Why bring such a system back on earth right now at this time?
Probably you can already imagine that. Because a lot of what I have been explaining above is exactly
what we are missing and what is creating disharmony.
- No unity but tribalism, us vs them, divide and conquer, alienation from each other
- Abusing nature, destroying our own habitat, putting ourselves above nature, placing
ourselves outside of the unity with nature - Loss of spirituality, deny and ridicule it
- Loss of morality, honesty, integrity
- Losing social cohesion, individualism, competition
- Mix of tribes/nationalities but no respect and integration
- Separation theology resulting in separation psychology, resulting in separation sociology,
resulting in separation pathology - Loss of cooperation, instead only competition everywhere at every level
- Loss of metaphysical skills, ignoring and denying its existence, not using it
- Individualism, only caring for our own wellbeing, instead of working for the collective good of
all - Repeating the same human drama’s over and over, we evolve technically but our collective
ego/consciousness functions still very primitively - Loss of enlightened leaders that make themselves subservient and invisible for the good of
the collective, instead ego tripping and making their positions and their parties more
important than the wellbeing of all. Abusing their power at the cost of others - The power and abuse of it is in the hands of immature sociopathic leaders instead of in the
collective power of the community
So this Sacred Ritual Energy System could have many positive functions:
- AÂ social function, collaboration, support, cohesion
- Organizational function, organized power of intent and metaphysical skills
- An energetic balancing, healing and vitalizing function of the earth energy system
- A healing function, healing the past, the collective imprints of trauma so they do not have to repeat
- An evolutionary function, bringing in energy downloads from higher evolved beings
- A teaching function; preserving indigenous wisdom, life principles and shaman like energy skills
- Sanctifying spiritual function; connecting earth systems with celestial spiritual systems and energies
to raise the vibration and support evolution in the direction of love, peace, unity. - Cultural function; bringing back active practice of energy work, normalize it, make it benign again,
teach a new mythology of belonging too the garden and being a steward of the garden and
toghether finish the garden.